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Showing posts from April, 2020

SHE Painting

SHE I can't paint until I love the person or the thing which I am painting, Painting starts from the mind but it finishes with the heart. This painting is created on 12*12cm sq area, with watercolor, and one brush of 3mm, a real artist is inside you, which don't need like a lot of materials to paint, who just can manage to paint a beautifully with the fewer resources. Some artists are made but some artist has that creativity inside that they are like "born to be an artist", these are kind of people that can make anything out of nothing.

Buddha | Painting

Buddha The mind is everything, What you think you become. ~Siddharth Gautam Buddha Always inspired by such inspiration, who are kind and humble to nature, for who the humanity was his first religion. This is my new painting.